

Feather Touch Brows

Microblading suitible for a dryer skin type, great for a natural looking brow. Initial procedure (no existing eyebrow tattoo) $479

Follow up procedure (4-8 weeks) $379 

Reconstruction procedure (no hair, old tattoo) $489

Ombre Brows and Powder Brows

Suitable for oily skin.

Initial procedure $479

Follow up procedure (4-8 weeks) $379 

Nano Eyebrows

Suitable for dry to combination skin types.

Initial procedure $479

Follow up procedure (4-8 weeks) $379 

Combination Brows

First procedure $479

Individual hair strokes in the front with a strong defined powdered tail.

Follow up procedure (4-8 weeks) $379 

Yearly Colour Boost

Yearly colour top-up for combination brows 12 months $379

For Brow Feathering, Ombre Brows, Powder and Combination Brows over 12 months $420

Tattoo eyeliner

Initial procedure for top and bottom $769

Top Liner only $469

Top Liner Eyeliner touch up (4-6 weeks later) $379

Bottom Liner only $320

Bottom Liner touch up (4-6 weeks later) $220

Lip Tattoo

Initial procedure $390

Follow up procedure (4-6 weeks later) $390

Spray Tan $50

Makeup $140

Xiled Removal

A safe and effective removal technique $269

More than one session maybe required.

Makeup Lesson

Allow one hour $220